In 2006 Microsoft conducted a customer survey to find what new features users want in new versions of Microsoft Office. To their surprise, more than 90% of what users asked for already existed, they just didn't know about it. To address the "discoverability" issue, they came up with the "Ribbon UI" that we know from Microsoft Office products today.
Office is not unique in this sense. Most of us are not aware of all the features in tools we use on a daily basis, especially if it's big and extensive like PostgreSQL. With PostgreSQL 14 released just a few weeks ago, what a better opportunity to shed a light on some lesser known features that already exist in PostgreSQL, but you may not know.
In this article I present lesser known features of PostgreSQL.
Table of Contents
, also known as "merge" (in Oracle) or "upsert" (a mashup of UPDATE and INSERT), is a very useful command, especially in ETL processes. Using the ON CONFLICT
clause of an INSERT
statement, you can tell the database what to do when a collision is detected in one or more key columns.
For example, here is a query to sync data in an employees table:
db=# WITH new_employees AS ( SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('George', 'Sales', 'Manager', 1000), ('Jane', 'R&D', 'Developer', 1200) ) AS t( name, department, role, salary ) ) INSERT INTO employees (name, department, role, salary) SELECT name, department, role, salary FROM new_employees ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET department = EXCLUDED.department, role = EXCLUDED.role, salary = EXCLUDED.salary RETURNING *; name │ department │ role │ salary ────────┼────────────┼───────────┼──────── George │ Sales │ Manager │ 1000 Jane │ R&D │ Developer │ 1200 INSERT 0 2
The query inserts new employee data to the table. If there is an attempt to add an employee with a name that already exists, the query will update that row instead.
You can see from the output of the command above, INSERT 0 2
, that two employees were affected. But how many were inserted, and how many were updated? The output is not giving us any clue!
While I was looking for a way to improve the logging of some ETL process that used such query, I stumbled upon this Stack Overflow answer that suggested a pretty clever solution to this exact problem:
db=# WITH new_employees AS ( SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('George', 'Sales', 'Manager', 1000), ('Jane', 'R&D', 'Developer', 1200) ) AS t( name, department, role, salary ) ) INSERT INTO employees (name, department, role, salary) SELECT name, department, role, salary FROM new_employees ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET department = EXCLUDED.department, role = EXCLUDED.role, salary = EXCLUDED.salary RETURNING *, (xmax = 0) AS inserted; name │ department │ role │ salary │ inserted ────────┼────────────┼───────────┼────────┼────────── Jane │ R&D │ Developer │ 1200 │ t George │ Sales │ Manager │ 1000 │ f INSERT 0 2
Notice the difference in the RETUNING
clause. It includes the calculated field inserted
that uses the special column xmax
to determine how many rows were inserted. From the data returned by the command, you can spot that a new row was inserted for "Jane", but "George" was already in the table, so the row was updated.
The xmax
column is a special system column:
The identity (transaction ID) of the deleting transaction, or zero for an undeleted row version.
In PostgreSQL, when a row is updated, the previous version is deleted, and xmax
holds the ID of the deleting transaction. When the row is inserted, no previous row is deleted, so xmax
is zero. This "trick" is cleverly using this behavior to distinguish between updated and inserted rows.
Say you have a users table that contain sensitive information such as credentials, passwords or PII:
db=# CREATE TABLE users ( id INT, username VARCHAR(20), personal_id VARCHAR(10), password_hash VARCHAR(256) ); CREATE TABLE db=# INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'haki', '12222227', 'super-secret-hash'); INSERT 1 0
The table is used by different people in your organization, such as analysts, to access data and produce ad-hoc reports. To allow access to analysts, you add a special user in the database:
db=# CREATE USER analyst; CREATE USER db=# GRANT SELECT ON users TO analyst; GRANT
The user analyst
can now access the users
db=# \connect db analyst You are now connected to database "db" as user "analyst". db=> SELECT * FROM users; id │ username │ personal_id │ password_hash ────┼──────────┼─────────────┼─────────────────── 1 │ haki │ 12222227 │ super-secret-hash
As mentioned previously, analysts access users data to produce reports and conduct analysis, but they should not have access to sensitive information or PII.
To provide granular control over which data a user can access in a table, PostgreSQL allows you to grant permissions only on specific columns of a table:
db=# \connect db postgres You are now connected to database "db" as user "postgres". db=# REVOKE SELECT ON users FROM analyst; REVOKE db=# GRANT SELECT (id, username) ON users TO analyst; GRANT
After revoking the existing select permission on the table, you granted analyst
select permission only on the id
and username
columns. Now, analyst
can no longer access these columns:
db=# \connect db analyst You are now connected to database "db" as user "analyst". db=> SELECT * FROM users; ERROR: permission denied for table users db=> SELECT id, username, personal_id FROM users; ERROR: permission denied for table users db=> SELECT id, username FROM users; id │ username ────┼────────── 1 │ haki
Notice that when the user analyst
attempts to access any of the restricted columns, either explicitly or implicitly using *
, they get a "permission denied" error.
It's not uncommon to use pattern matching in SQL. For example, here is a query to find users with a "" email account:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE email LIKE '';
This query uses the wildcard '%' to find users with emails that end with "". What if, for example, in the same query you also want to find users with a "" email account?
SELECT * FROM users WHERE email LIKE '' OR email LIKE ''
To match against either one of these patterns, you can construct an OR
condition. In PostgreSQL however, there is another way to match against multiple patterns:
you can match against multiple patterns and keep the query simple.
Another way to match against multiple patterns is using regexp:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE email ~ '@gmail\.com$|@yahoo\.com$'
When using regexp you need to take be a bit more cautious. A period ".
" will match anything, so to match the period ".
" in
, you need to add the escape character "\.
When I posted this on twitter I got some interesting responses. One comment from the official account of psycopg, a PostgreSQL driver for Python, suggested another way:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE email ~ ANY('{@gmail\.com$|@yahoo\.com$}')
This query uses the ANY
operator to match against an array of patterns. If an email matches any of the patterns, the condition will be true. This approach is easier to work with from a host language such as Python:
with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(''' SELECT * FROM users WHERE email ~ ANY(ARRAY%(patterns)s) ''' % { 'patterns': [ '@gmail\.com$', '@yahoo\.com$', ], })
Unlike the previous approach that used SIMILAR TO
, using ANY
you can bind a list of patterns to the variable.
If you ever needed to find the current value of a sequence, your first attempt was most likely using currval
db=# SELECT currval('sale_id_seq'); ERROR: currval of sequence "sale_id_seq" is not yet defined in this session
Just like me, you probably found that currval
only works if the sequence was defined or used in the current session. Advancing a sequence for no good reason is usually not something you want to do, so this is not an acceptable solution.
In PostgreSQL 10 the table pg_sequences
was added to provide easy access to information about sequences:
db=# SELECT * FROM pg_sequences WHERE sequencename = 'sale_id_seq'; ─[ RECORD 1 ]─┬──────────── schemaname │ public sequencename │ sale_id_seq sequenceowner │ db data_type │ integer start_value │ 1 min_value │ 1 max_value │ 2147483647 increment_by │ 1 cycle │ f cache_size │ 1 last_value │ 155
This table can answer your question, but it's not really a "lesser known feature", it's just another table in the information schema.
Another way to get the current value of a sequence is using the undocumented function pg_sequence_last_value
db=# SELECT pg_sequence_last_value('sale_id_seq'); pg_sequence_last_value ──────────────────────── 155
It's not clear why this function is not documented, but I couldn't find any mention of it in the official documentation. Take that under consideration if you decide to use it.
Another interesting thing I found while I was researching this, is that you can query a sequence, just like you would a table:
db=# SELECT * FROM sale_id_seq; last_value │ log_cnt │ is_called ────────────┼─────────┼─────────── 155 │ 10 │ t
This really makes you wonder what other types of objects you can query in PostgreSQL, and what you'll get in return.
It's important to note that this feature should not be used for anything except getting a cursory look at a sequence. You should not try to update ID's based on values from this output, for that you should use nextval
If you work with psql a lot you probably use \COPY
very often to export data from the database. I know I do. One of the most annoying things about \COPY
is that it does not allow multi-line queries:
db=# \COPY ( \copy: parse error at end of line
When you try to add a new line to a \copy
command you get this error message.
To overcome this restriction, my first idea was to use a view:
db=# CREATE VIEW v_department_dbas AS SELECT department, count(*) AS employees FROM emp WHERE role = 'dba' GROUP BY department ORDER BY employees; CREATE VIEW db=# \COPY (SELECT * FROM v_department_dbas) TO department_dbas.csv WITH CSV HEADER; COPY 5 db=# DROP VIEW v_department_dbas; DROP VIEW;
This works, but if something fails in the middle it can leave views laying around. I like to keep my schema tidy, so I looked for a way to automatically cleanup after me. A quick search brought up temporary views:
db=# CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW v_department_dbas AS # ... CREATE VIEW db=# \COPY (SELECT * FROM v_department_dbas) TO department_dbas.csv WITH CSV HEADER; COPY 5
Using temporary views I no longer had to cleanup after myself, because temporary views are automatically dropped when the session terminates.
I used temporary views for a while, until I struck this little gem in the psql documentation:
db=# COPY ( SELECT department, count(*) AS employees FROM emp WHERE role = 'dba' GROUP BY department ORDER BY employees ) TO STDOUT WITH CSV HEADER \g department_dbas.csv COP Y 5
Nice, right? Let's break it down:
instead of \COPY
: the COPY
command is a server command executed in the server, and \COPY
is a psql command with the same interface. So while \COPY
does not support multi-line queries, COPY
Write results to STDOUT: Using COPY
we can write results to a directory on the server, or write results to the standard output, using TO STDOUT
Use \g
to write STDOUT to local file: Finally, psql provides a command to write the output from standard output to a file.
Combining these three features did exactly what I wanted.
If you are using auto generated primary keys in PostgreSQL, it's possible you are still using the SERIAL
Behind the scenes, PostgreSQL creates a sequence to use when rows are added:
db=# INSERT INTO sale (sold_at, amount) VALUES (now(), 1000); INSERT 0 1 db=# SELECT * FROM sale; id │ sold_at │ amount ────┼───────────────────────────────┼──────── 1 │ 2021-09-25 10:06:56.646298+03 │ 1000
data type is unique to PostgreSQL and has some known problems, so starting at version 10, the SERIAL
datatype was softly deprecated in favor of identity columns:
Identity columns work very similar to the SERIAL
db=# INSERT INTO sale (sold_at, amount) VALUES (now(), 1000); INSERT 0 1 db=# SELECT * FROM sale; id │ sold_at │ amount ────┼───────────────────────────────┼──────── 1 │ 2021-09-25 10:11:57.771121+03 │ 1000
But, consider this scenario:
db=# INSERT INTO sale (id, sold_at, amount) VALUES (2, now(), 1000); INSERT 0 1 db=# INSERT INTO sale (sold_at, amount) VALUES (now(), 1000); ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "sale_pkey" DETAIL: Key (id)=(2) already exists.
Why did it fail?
- The first
command explicitly provides the value 2 of the id
column, so the sequence was not used. - The second
command does not provide a value for id
, so the sequence is used. The next value of the sequence happened to be 2, so the command failed with a unique constraint violation.
Auto-incrementing IDs rarely need to be set manually, and doing so can cause a mess. So how can you prevent users from setting them?
. To understand the difference, try the same scenario again:
db=# INSERT INTO sale (sold_at, amount) VALUES (now(), 1000); INSERT 0 1 db=# INSERT INTO sale (id, sold_at, amount) VALUES (2, now(), 1000); ERROR: cannot insert into column "id" DETAIL: Column "id" is an identity column defined as GENERATED ALWAYS. HINT: Use OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE to override.
What changed?
- The first
does not provide a value for id
and completes successfully. - The second
command however, attempts to set the value 2 for id
and fails!
In the error message, PostgreSQL is kind enough to offer a solution for when you actually do want to set the value for an identity column explicitly:
db=# INSERT INTO sale (id, sold_at, amount) OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE VALUES (2, now(), 1000); INSERT 0 1
to the INSERT
command you explicitly instruct PostgreSQL to allow you to set the value of an identity column. You still have to handle a possible unique constraint violation, but you can no longer blame PostgreSQL for it!
In one of my previous articles I demonstrated how to produce pivot tables using conditional aggregates. After writing the article, I found two more ways to generate pivot tables in PostgreSQL.
Say you want to get the number of employees, at each role, in each department:
db=# WITH employees AS ( SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('Haki', 'R&D', 'Manager'), ('Dan', 'R&D', 'Developer'), ('Jax', 'R&D', 'Developer'), ('George', 'Sales', 'Manager'), ('Bill', 'Sales', 'Developer'), ('David', 'Sales', 'Developer') ) AS t( name, department, role ) ) SELECT role, department, count(*) FROM employees GROUP BY role, department; role │ department │ count ───────────┼────────────┼─────── Developer │ Sales │ 2 Manager │ Sales │ 1 Manager │ R&D │ 1 Developer │ R&D │ 2
A better way of viewing this would be as a pivot table. In psql you can use the \crosstabview
command to transform the results of the last query to a pivot table:
db=# \crosstabview role │ Sales │ R&D ───────────┼───────┼───── Developer │ 2 │ 2 Manager │ 1 │ 1
By default, the command will produce the pivot table from the first two columns, but you can control that with arguments:
db=# \crosstabview department role department │ Developer │ Manager ────────────┼───────────┼───────── Sales │ 2 │ 1 R&D │ 2 │ 1
Another, slightly less magical way to produce a pivot table is using the built-in tablefunc
db=# CREATE EXTENSION tablefunc; CREATE EXTENSION db=# SELECT * FROM crosstab(' SELECT role, department, count(*) AS employees FROM employees GROUP BY 1, 2 ORDER BY role ', ' SELECT DISTINCT department FROM employees ORDER BY 1 ') AS t(role text, sales int, rnd int); role │ sales │ rnd ───────────┼───────┼───── Developer │ 2 │ 2 Manager │ 1 │ 1
Using the function crosstab
you can produce a pivot table. The downside of this method is that you need to define the output columns in advance. The advantage however, is that the crosstab
function produces a table, which you can use as a sub-query for further processing.
If you store text fields in your database, especially entire paragraphs, you are probably familiar with escape characters. For example, to include a single quote '
in a text literal you need to escape it using another single quote ''
db=# SELECT 'John''s Pizza'; ?column? ────────────── John's Pizza
When text starts to get bigger, and include characters like backslashes and new lines, it can get pretty annoying to add escape characters. To address this, PostgreSQL provides another way to write string constants:
db=# SELECT $$a long string with new lines and 'single quotes' and "double quotes PostgreSQL doesn't mind ;)$$ AS text; text ─────────────────────────── a long ↵ string with new lines ↵ and 'single quotes' ↵ and "double quotes ↵ ↵ PostgreSQL doesn't mind ;)
Notice the dollar signs $$
at the beginning and end of the string. Anything in between $$
is treated as a string. PostgreSQL calls this "Dollar Quoting".
But there is more, if you happen to need to use the sign $$
in the text, you can add a tag, which makes this even more useful. For example:
db=# SELECT $JSON${ "name": "John's Pizza", "tagline": "Best value for your $$" }$JSON$ AS json; json ───────────────────────────────────────── { ↵ "name": "John's Pizza", ↵ "tagline": "Best value for your $$"↵ }
Notice that we choose to tag this block with $JSON$
, so the sign "$$" was included as a whole in the output.
You can also use this to quickly generate jsonb objects that include special characters:
db=# SELECT $JSON${ "name": "John's Pizza", "tagline": "Best value for your $$" }$JSON$::jsonb AS json; json ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────── {"type": "book", "title": "How to get $$ in 21 days"}
The value is now a jsonb object which you can manipulate as you wish!
PostgreSQL has this nice little feature where you can add a comments on just about every database object. For example, adding a comment on a table:
db=# COMMENT ON TABLE sale IS 'Sales made in the system'; COMMENT
You can now view this comment in psql (and probably other IDEs):
db=# \dt+ sale List of relations Schema │ Name │ Type │ Owner │ Persistence │ Size │ Description ────────┼──────┼───────┼───────┼─────────────┼────────────┼────────────────────────── public │ sale │ table │ haki │ permanent │ 8192 bytes │ Sales made in the system
You can also add comments on table columns, and view them when using extended describe:
db=# COMMENT ON COLUMN sale.sold_at IS 'When was the sale finalized'; COMMENT db=# \d+ sale Column │ Type │ Description ──────────┼──────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────── id │ integer │ sold_at │ timestamp with time zone │ When was the sale finalized amount │ integer │
You can also combine the COMMENT
command with dollar quoting to include longer and more meaningful descriptions of, for example, functions:
COMMENT ON FUNCTION generate_random_string IS $docstring$ Generate a random string at a given length from a list of possible characters. Parameters: - length (int): length of the output string - characters (text): possible characters to choose from Example: db=# SELECT generate_random_string(10); generate_random_string ──────────────────────── o0QsrMYRvp db=# SELECT generate_random_string(3, 'AB'); generate_random_string ──────────────────────── ABB $docstring$;
This is a function I used in the past to demonstrate the performance impact of medium sized texts on performance. Now I no longer have to go back to the article to remember how to use the function, I have the docstring right there in the comments:
db=# \df+ generate_random_string List of functions ────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Schema │ public Name │ generate_random_string /* ... */ Description │ Generate a random string at a given length from a list of possible characters.↵ │ ↵ │ Parameters: ↵ │ ↵ │ - length (int): length of the output string ↵ │ - characters (text): possible characters to choose from ↵ │ ↵ │ Example: ↵ │ ↵ │ db=# SELECT generate_random_string(10); ↵ │ generate_random_string ↵ │ ──────────────────────── ↵ │ o0QsrMYRvp ↵ │ ↵ │ db=# SELECT generate_random_string(3, 'AB'); ↵ │ generate_random_string ↵ │ ──────────────────────── ↵ │ ABB ↵ │
If you are working with CLI tools you probably use the ability to search past commands very often. In bash and psql, a reverse search is usually available by hitting CTRL + R.
If in addition to working with the terminal, you also work with multiple databases, you might find it useful to keep a separate history file per database:
db=# \set HISTFILE ~/.psql_history- :DBNAME
This way, you are more likely to find a relevant match for the database you are currently connected to. You can drop this in your ~/.psqlrc
file to make it persistent.
There is always a lot of debate (and jokes!) on whether keywords in SQL should be in lower or upper case. I think my opinion on this subject is pretty clear.
If like me, you like using uppercase keywords in SQL, there is an option in psql to autocomplete keywords in uppercase:
db=# selec <tab> db=# select db=# \set COMP_KEYWORD_UPPER upper db=# selec <tab> db=# SELECT
to upper, when you hit TAB for autocomplete, keywords will be autocompleted in uppercase.
Delaying the execution of a program can be pretty useful for things like testing or throttling. To delay the execution of a program in PostgreSQL, the go-to function is usually pg_sleep
db=# \timing Timing is on. db=# SELECT pg_sleep(3); pg_sleep ────────── (1 row) Time: 3014.913 ms (00:03.015)
The function sleeps for the given number of seconds. However, when you need to sleep for longer than just a few seconds, calculating the number of seconds can be annoying, for example:
db=# SELECT pg_sleep(14400);
How long will this function sleep for? Don't take out the calculator, the function will sleep for 4 minutes.
To make it more convenient to sleep for longer periods of time, PostgreSQL offers another function:
db=# SELECT pg_sleep_for('4 minutes');
Unlike its sibling pg_sleep
, the function pg_sleep_for
accepts an interval, which is much more natural to read and understand than the number of seconds.
When I initially compiled this list I did not think about this feature as a lesser known one, mostly because I use it all the time. But to my surprise, I keep running into weird solutions to this problem, that can be easily solved with what I'm about to show you, so I figured it deserves a place on the list!
Say you have the this table of students:
db=# SELECT * FROM students; name │ class │ height ────────┼───────┼──────── Haki │ A │ 186 Dan │ A │ 175 Jax │ A │ 182 George │ B │ 178 Bill │ B │ 167 David │ B │ 178
⚙ Table data
You can use the following CTE to reproduce queries in this section
WITH students AS ( SELECT * FROM (VALUES ('Haki', 'A', 186), ('Dan', 'A', 175), ('Jax', 'A', 182), ('George', 'B', 178), ('Bill', 'B', 167), ('David', 'B', 178) ) AS t( name, class, height ) ) SELECT * FROM students;
How would you get the entire row of the tallest student in each class?
On first thought you might try something like this:
SELECT class, max(height) as tallest FROM students GROUP BY class; class │ tallest ───────┼───────── A │ 186 B │ 178
This gets you the height, but it doesn't get you the name of the student. As a second attempt you might try to find the tallest student based on its height, using a sub-query:
SELECT * FROM students WHERE (class, height) IN ( SELECT class, max(height) as tallest FROM students GROUP BY class ); name │ class │ height ────────┼───────┼──────── Haki │ A │ 186 George │ B │ 178 David │ B │ 178
Now you have all the information about the tallest students in each class, but there is another problem.
side note
The ability to match a set of records like in the previous query ((class, height) IN (...)
), is another lesser known, but a very powerful feature of PostgreSQL.
In class "B", there are two students with the same height, which also happen to be the tallest. Using the aggregate function MAX
you only get the height, so you may encounter this type of situation.
The challenge with using MAX
is that you choose the height based only on the height, which makes perfect sense in this case, but you still need to pick just one student. A different approach that lets you "rank" rows based on more than one column, is using a window function:
SELECT students.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY class ORDER BY height DESC, name ) AS rn FROM students; name │ class │ height │ rn ────────┼───────┼────────┼──── Haki │ A │ 186 │ 1 Jax │ A │ 182 │ 2 Dan │ A │ 175 │ 3 David │ B │ 178 │ 1 George │ B │ 178 │ 2 Bill │ B │ 167 │ 3
To "rank" students bases on their height you can attach a row number for each row. The row number is determined for each class (PARTITION BY class
) and ranked first by height in descending order, and then by the students' name (ORDER BY height DESC, name
). Adding the student name in addition to the height makes the results deterministic (assuming the name is unique).
To get the rows of only the tallest student in each class you can use a sub-query:
SELECT name, class, height FROM ( SELECT students.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY class ORDER BY height DESC, name ) AS rn FROM students ) as inner WHERE rn = 1; name │ class │ height ───────┼───────┼──────── Haki │ A │ 186 David │ B │ 178
You made it! This is the entire row for the tallest student in each class.
Now that you went through all of this trouble, let me show you an easier way:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (class) * FROM students ORDER BY class, height DESC, name; name │ class │ height ───────┼───────┼──────── Haki │ A │ 186 David │ B │ 178
Pretty nice, right? I was blown away when I first discovered DISTINCT ON
. Coming from Oracle, there was nothing like that, and as far as I know, no other database other than PostgreSQL does.
Intuitively understand DISTINCT ON
To understand how DISTINCT ON
works, let's go over what it does step by step. This is the raw data in the table:
SELECT * FROM students; name │ class │ height ────────┼───────┼──────── Haki │ A │ 186 Dan │ A │ 175 Jax │ A │ 182 George │ B │ 178 Bill │ B │ 167 David │ B │ 178
Next, sort the data:
SELECT * FROM students ORDER BY class, height DESC, name; name │ class │ height ────────┼───────┼──────── Haki │ A │ 186 Jax │ A │ 182 Dan │ A │ 175 David │ B │ 178 George │ B │ 178 Bill │ B │ 167
Then, add the DISTINCT ON
SELECT DISTINCT ON (class) * FROM students ORDER BY class, height DESC, name;
To understand what DISTINCT ON
does at this point, we need to take two steps.
First, split the data to groups based on the columns in the DISTINCT ON
clause, in this case by class
name │ class │ height ───────────────────────── Haki │ A │ 186 ┓ Jax │ A │ 182 ┣━━ class=A Dan │ A │ 175 ┛ David │ B │ 178 ┓ George │ B │ 178 ┣━━ class=B Bill │ B │ 167 ┛
Next, keep only the first row in each group:
name │ class │ height ───────────────────────── Haki │ A │ 186 ┣━━ class=A David │ B │ 178 ┣━━ class=B
And there you have it! The tallest student in each class.
The only requirement DISTINCT ON
has, is that the leading columns in the ORDER BY
clause will match the columns in the DISTINCT ON
clause. The remaining columns in the ORDER BY
clause are used to determine which row is selected for each group.
To illustrate how the ORDER BY
affect the results, consider this query to find the shortest student in each class:
SELECT DISTINCT ON (class) * FROM students ORDER BY class, height, name; name │ class │ height ──────┼───────┼──────── Dan │ A │ 175 Bill │ B │ 167
To pick the shortest student in each class, you only have to change the sort order, so that the first row of each group is the shortest student.
To generate UUIDs in PostgreSQL prior to version 13 you probably used the uuid-ossp
db=# CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"; CREATE EXTENSION db=# SELECT uuid_generate_v4() AS uuid; uuid ────────────────────────────────────── 8e55146d-0ce5-40ab-a346-5dbd466ff5f2
Starting at version 13 there is a built-in function to generate random (version 4) UUIDs:
db=# SELECT gen_random_uuid() AS uuid; uuid ────────────────────────────────────── ba1ac0f5-5d4d-4d80-974d-521dbdcca2b2
The uuid-ossp
extension is still needed if you want to generate UUIDs other than version 4.
Generating radom data is very useful for many things such for demonstrations or testing. In both cases, it's also useful to be able to reproduce the "random" data.
Using PostgreSQL random
function you can produce different types of random data. For example:
db=# SELECT random() AS random_float, ceil(random() * 10) AS random_int_0_10, '2022-01-01'::date + interval '1 days' * ceil(random() * 365) AS random_day_in_2022; ─[ RECORD 1 ]──────┬──────────────────── random_float │ 0.6031888056092001 random_int_0_10 │ 3 random_day_in_2022 │ 2022-11-10 00:00:00
If you execute this query again, you will get different results:
db=# SELECT random() AS random_float, ceil(random() * 10) AS random_int_0_10, '2022-01-01'::date + interval '1 days' * ceil(random() * 365) AS random_day_in_2022; ─[ RECORD 1 ]──────┬──────────────────── random_float │ 0.7363406030115378 random_int_0_10 │ 2 random_day_in_2022 │ 2022-02-23 00:00:00
To generate reproducible random data, you can use setseed
db=# SELECT setseed(0.4050); setseed ───────── (1 row) db=# SELECT random() AS random_float, ceil(random() * 10) AS random_int_0_10, '2022-01-01'::date + interval '1 days' * ceil(random() * 365) AS random_day_in_2022 FROM generate_series(1, 2); random_float │ random_int_0_10 │ random_day_in_2022 ────────────────────┼─────────────────┼───────────────────── 0.1924247516794324 │ 9 │ 2022-12-17 00:00:00 0.9720620908236377 │ 5 │ 2022-06-13 00:00:00
If you execute the same block again in a new session, even in a different database, it will produce the exact same results:
otherdb=# SELECT setseed(0.4050); setseed ───────── (1 row) otherdb=# SELECT random() AS random_float, ceil(random() * 10) AS random_int_0_10, '2022-01-01'::date + interval '1 days' * ceil(random() * 365) AS random_day_in_2022 FROM generate_series(1, 2); random_float │ random_int_0_10 │ random_day_in_2022 ────────────────────┼─────────────────┼───────────────────── 0.1924247516794324 │ 9 │ 2022-12-17 00:00:00 0.9720620908236377 │ 5 │ 2022-06-13 00:00:00
Notice how the results are random, but still exactly the same. The next time you do a demonstration or share a script, make sure to include setseed
so your results could be easily reproduced.
Constraint are an integral part of any RDBMS. They keep data clean and reliable, and should be used whenever possible. In living breathing systems, you often need to add new constraints, and adding certain types of constraints may require very restrictive locks that interfere with the operation of the live system.
To illustrate, add a simple check constraint on a large table:
db=# ALTER TABLE orders ADD CONSTRAINT check_price_gt_zero CHECK (price >= 0); ALTER TABLE Time: 10745.662 ms (00:10.746)
This statement adds a check constraint on the price of an order, to make sure it's greater than or equal to zero. In the process of adding the constraint, the database scanned the entire table to make sure the constraint is valid for all the existing rows. The process took ~10s, and during that time, the table was locked.
In PostgreSQL, you can split the process of adding a constraint into two steps.
First, add the constraint and only validate new data, but don't check that existing data is valid:
db=# ALTER TABLE orders ADD CONSTRAINT check_price_gt_zero CHECK (price >= 0) NOT VALID; ALTER TABLE Time: 13.590 ms
in the end tells PostgreSQL to not validate the new constraint for existing rows. This means the database does not have to scan the entire table. Notice how this statement took significantly less time compared to the previous, it was almost instantaneous.
Next, validate the constraint for the existing data with a much more permissive lock that allows other operations on the table:
db=# ALTER TABLE orders VALIDATE CONSTRAINT check_price_gt_zero; ALTER TABLE Time: 11231.189 ms (00:11.231)
Notice how validating the constraint took roughly the same time as the first example, which added and validated the constraint. This reaffirms that when adding a constraint to an existing table, most time is spent validating existing rows. Splitting the process into two steps allows you to reduce the time the table is locked.
The documentation also mentions another use case for NOT VALID
- enforcing a constraint only on future updates, even if there are some existing bad values. That is, you would add NOT VALID
and never do the VALIDATE
Check out this great article from the engineering team at Paypal about making schema changes without downtime, and my own tip to disable constraints and indexes during bulk loads.
Synonyms are a way to reference objects by another name, similar to symlinks in Linux. If you're coming from Oracle you are probably familiar with synonyms, but otherwise you may have never heard about it. PostgreSQL does not have a feature called "synonyms", but it doesn't mean it's not possible.
To have a name reference a different database object, you first need to understand how PostgreSQL resolves unqualified names. For example, if you are connected to the database with the user haki
, and you reference a table foo
, PostgreSQL will search for the following objects, in this order:
This order is determined by the search_path
db=# SHOW search_path; search_path ───────────────── "$user", public
The first value, "$user"
is a special value that resolves to the name of the currently connected user. The second value, public
, is the name of the default schema.
To demonstrate some of the things you can do with search path, create a table foo
in database db
db=# CREATE TABLE foo (value TEXT); CREATE TABLE db=# INSERT INTO foo VALUES ('A'); INSERT 0 1 db=# SELECT * FROM foo; value ─────── A (1 row)
If for some reason you want the user haki
to view a different object when they reference the name foo
, you have two options:
1. Create an object named foo
in a schema called haki
db=# CREATE SCHEMA haki; CREATE SCHEMA db=# CREATE TABLE (value text); CREATE TABLE db=# INSERT INTO VALUES ('B'); INSERT 0 1 db=# \conninfo You are connected to database "db" as user "haki" db=# SELECT * FROM foo; value ─────── B
Notice how when the user haki
referenced the name foo
, PostgreSQL resolved the name to
and not
. This is because the schema haki
comes before public
in the search path.
2. Update the search path:
db=# CREATE SCHEMA synonyms; CREATE SCHEMA db=# CREATE TABLE (value text); CREATE TABLE db=# INSERT INTO VALUES ('C'); INSERT 0 1 db=# SHOW search_path; search_path ───────────────── "$user", public db=# SELECT * FROM foo; value ─────── A db=# SET search_path TO synonyms, "$user", public; SET db=# SELECT * FROM foo; value ─────── C
Notice how after changing the search path to include the schema synonyms
, PostgreSQL resolved the name foo
When synonyms are useful?
I used to think that synonyms are a code smell that should be avoided, but over time I found a few valid use cases for when they are useful. One of those use cases are zero downtime migrations.
When you are making changes to a table on a live system, you often need to support both the new and the old version of the application at the same time. This poses a challenge, because each version of the application expects the table to have a different structure.
Take for example a migration to remove a column from a table. While the migration is running, the old version of the application is active, and it expects the column to exist in the table, so you can't simply remove it. One way to deal with this is to release the new version in two stages - the first ignores the field, and the second removes it.
If however, you need to make the change in a single release, you can provide the old version with a view of the table that includes the column, and only then remove it. For that, you can use a "synonym":
db=# \conninfo You are now connected to database "db" as user "app". db=# SELECT * FROM users; username │ active ──────────┼──────── haki │ t
The application is connected to database db
with the user app
. You want to remove the column active
, but the application is using this column. To safely apply the migration you need to "fool" the user app
into thinking the column is still there while the old version is active:
db=# \conninfo You are now connected to database "db" as user "admin". db=# CREATE SCHEMA app; CREATE SCHEMA db=# GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA app TO app; GRANT db=# CREATE VIEW app.users AS SELECT username, true AS active FROM public.users; CREATE VIEW db=# GRANT SELECT ON app.users TO app; GRANT
To "fool" the user app
, you created a schema by the name of the user, and a view with a calculated field active
. Now, when the application is connected with user app
, it will see the view and not the table, so it's safe to remove the column:
db=# \conninfo You are now connected to database "db" as user "admin". db=# ALTER TABLE users DROP COLUMN active; ALTER TABLE db=# \connect db app You are now connected to database "db" as user "app". db=# SELECT * FROM users; username │ active ──────────┼──────── haki │ t
You dropped the column and the application sees the calculated field instead! All is left is some cleanup and you are done.
Say you have a table of meetings:
db=# SELECT * FROM meetings; starts_at │ ends_at ─────────────────────┼───────────────────── 2021-10-01 10:00:00 │ 2021-10-01 10:30:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 2021-10-01 12:30:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:45:00
⚙ Table data
You can use the following CTE to reproduce the queries in this section:
WITH meetings AS ( SELECT starts_at::timestamptz AS starts_at, ends_at::timestamptz AS ends_at FROM (VALUES ('2021-10-01 10:00 UTC', '2021-10-01 10:30 UTC'), ('2021-10-01 11:15 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:00 UTC'), ('2021-10-01 12:30 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:45 UTC') ) AS t( starts_at, ends_at) ) SELECT * FROM meetings;
You want to schedule a new meeting, but before you do that, you want to make sure it does not overlap with another meeting. There are several scenarios you need to consider:
- [A] New meeting ends after an existing meeting starts
|-------NEW MEETING--------| |*******EXISTING MEETING*******|
- [B] New meeting starts before an existing meetings ends
|-------NEW MEETING--------| |*******EXISTING MEETING*******|
- [C] New meeting takes place during an existing meeting
|----NEW MEETING----| |*******EXISTING MEETING*******|
- [D] Existing meeting takes place while the new meeting is scheduled
|--------NEW MEETING--------| |**EXISTING MEETING**|
- [E] New meeting is scheduled at exactly the same time as an existing meeting
|--------NEW MEETING--------| |*****EXISTING MEETING******|
To test a query that check for overlaps, you can prepare a table with all the scenarios above, and try a simple condition:
WITH new_meetings AS ( SELECT id, starts_at::timestamptz as starts_at, ends_at::timestamptz as ends_at FROM (VALUES ('A', '2021-10-01 11:10 UTC', '2021-10-01 11:55 UTC'), ('B', '2021-10-01 11:20 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:05 UTC'), ('C', '2021-10-01 11:20 UTC', '2021-10-01 11:55 UTC'), ('D', '2021-10-01 11:10 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:05 UTC'), ('E', '2021-10-01 11:15 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:00 UTC') ) as t( id, starts_at, ends_at ) ) SELECT * FROM meetings, new_meetings WHERE new_meetings.starts_at BETWEEN meetings.starts_at and meetings.ends_at OR new_meetings.ends_at BETWEEN meetings.starts_at and meetings.ends_at; starts_at │ ends_at │ id │ starts_at │ ends_at ─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼────┼─────────────────────┼──────────────────── 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ A │ 2021-10-01 11:10:00 │ 2021-10-01 11:55:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ B │ 2021-10-01 11:20:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:05:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ C │ 2021-10-01 11:20:00 │ 2021-10-01 11:55:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ E │ 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00
The first attempt found an overlap with 4 out of 5 scenarios. It did not detect the overlap for scenario D
, where the new meetings starts before and ends after an existing meeting. To handle this scenario as well, you need to make the condition a bit longer:
WITH new_meetings AS (/* ... */) SELECT * FROM meetings, new_meetings WHERE new_meetings.starts_at BETWEEN meetings.starts_at and meetings.ends_at OR new_meetings.ends_at BETWEEN meetings.starts_at and meetings.ends_at OR meetings.starts_at BETWEEN new_meetings.starts_at and new_meetings.ends_at OR meetings.ends_at BETWEEN new_meetings.starts_at and new_meetings.ends_at; starts_at │ ends_at │ id │ starts_at │ ends_at ─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼────┼─────────────────────┼──────────────────── 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ A │ 2021-10-01 11:10:00 │ 2021-10-01 11:55:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ B │ 2021-10-01 11:20:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:05:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ C │ 2021-10-01 11:20:00 │ 2021-10-01 11:55:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ D │ 2021-10-01 11:10:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:05:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ E │ 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00
The query now detects an overlap in all 5 scenarios, but, consider these additional scenarios:
- [F] New meeting is scheduled immediately after an existing meetings
|--------NEW MEETING--------| |*****EXISTING MEETING******|
- [G] New meeting is scheduled to end immediately when an existing meeting starts
|--------NEW MEETING--------| |*****EXISTING MEETING******|
Back-to-back meetings are very common, and they should not be detected as an overlap. Adding the two scenarios to the test, and trying the query:
WITH new_meetings AS ( SELECT id, starts_at::timestamptz as starts_at, ends_at::timestamptz as ends_at FROM (VALUES ('A', '2021-10-01 11:10 UTC', '2021-10-01 11:55 UTC'), ('B', '2021-10-01 11:20 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:05 UTC'), ('C', '2021-10-01 11:20 UTC', '2021-10-01 11:55 UTC'), ('D', '2021-10-01 11:10 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:05 UTC'), ('E', '2021-10-01 11:15 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:00 UTC'), ('F', '2021-10-01 12:00 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:10 UTC'), ('G', '2021-10-01 11:00 UTC', '2021-10-01 11:15 UTC') ) as t( id, starts_at, ends_at ) ) SELECT * FROM meetings, new_meetings WHERE new_meetings.starts_at BETWEEN meetings.starts_at and meetings.ends_at OR new_meetings.ends_at BETWEEN meetings.starts_at and meetings.ends_at OR meetings.starts_at BETWEEN new_meetings.starts_at and new_meetings.ends_at OR meetings.ends_at BETWEEN new_meetings.starts_at and new_meetings.ends_at; starts_at │ ends_at │ id │ starts_at │ ends_at ─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼────┼─────────────────────┼──────────────────── 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ A │ 2021-10-01 11:10:00 │ 2021-10-01 11:55:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ B │ 2021-10-01 11:20:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:05:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ C │ 2021-10-01 11:20:00 │ 2021-10-01 11:55:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ D │ 2021-10-01 11:10:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:05:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ E │ 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ F │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:10:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ G │ 2021-10-01 11:00:00 │ 2021-10-01 11:15:00
The two back-to-back meetings, scenarios F
and G
, are incorrectly classified as overlaps. This is caused because the operator BETWEEN
in inclusive. To implement this condition without using BETWEEN
you would have to do something like this:
WITH new_meetings AS (/* ... */) SELECT * FROM meetings, new_meetings WHERE (new_meetings.starts_at > meetings.starts_at AND new_meetings.starts_at < meetings.ends_at) OR (new_meetings.ends_at > meetings.starts_at AND new_meetings.ends_at < meetings.ends_at) OR (meetings.starts_at > new_meetings.starts_at AND meetings.starts_at < new_meetings.ends_at) OR (meetings.ends_at > new_meetings.starts_at AND meetings.ends_at < new_meetings.ends_at) OR (meetings.starts_at = new_meetings.starts_at AND meetings.ends_at = new_meetings.ends_at); starts_at │ ends_at │ id │ starts_at │ ends_at ─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼────┼─────────────────────┼──────────────────── 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ A │ 2021-10-01 11:10:00 │ 2021-10-01 11:55:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ B │ 2021-10-01 11:20:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:05:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ C │ 2021-10-01 11:20:00 │ 2021-10-01 11:55:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ D │ 2021-10-01 11:10:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:05:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ E │ 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00
The query correctly identifies scenarios A
- E
as overlaps, and does not identify the back-to-back scenarios F
and G
as overlaps. This is what you wanted. However, this condition is pretty crazy! It can easily get out of control.
This is where the following operator in PostgreSQL proves itself as extremely valuable:
WITH new_meetings AS ( SELECT id, starts_at::timestamptz as starts_at, ends_at::timestamptz as ends_at FROM (VALUES ('A', '2021-10-01 11:10 UTC', '2021-10-01 11:55 UTC'), ('B', '2021-10-01 11:20 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:05 UTC'), ('C', '2021-10-01 11:20 UTC', '2021-10-01 11:55 UTC'), ('D', '2021-10-01 11:10 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:05 UTC'), ('E', '2021-10-01 11:15 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:00 UTC'), ('F', '2021-10-01 12:00 UTC', '2021-10-01 12:10 UTC'), ('G', '2021-10-01 11:00 UTC', '2021-10-01 11:15 UTC') ) as t( id, starts_at, ends_at ) ) SELECT * FROM meetings, new_meetings WHERE (new_meetings.starts_at, new_meetings.ends_at) OVERLAPS (meetings.starts_at, meetings.ends_at); starts_at │ ends_at │ id │ starts_at │ ends_at ─────────────────────┼─────────────────────┼────┼─────────────────────┼──────────────────── 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ A │ 2021-10-01 11:10:00 │ 2021-10-01 11:55:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ B │ 2021-10-01 11:20:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:05:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ C │ 2021-10-01 11:20:00 │ 2021-10-01 11:55:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ D │ 2021-10-01 11:10:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:05:00 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00 │ E │ 2021-10-01 11:15:00 │ 2021-10-01 12:00:00
This is it! Using the OVERLAPS
operator you can replace those 5 complicated conditions, and keep the query short and simple to read and understand.